Below is a reflection of increases in scholarships disbursed over the last few years from institutional, state and private resources for the Morgantown campus. Please note that values are not available yet for 2024-2025, because we are only partially through the year, and there are more disbursements that will still occur.
- 2020-2021: $145.3 million
- 2021-2022: $153.3 million
- 2022-2023: $158.5 million
- 2023-2024: $162.4 million
West Virginia University in Morgantown disbursed more than $133 million in scholarships in 2019-2020.
Scholarships are a type of gift aid. They are offered based on a variety of criteria such as academic merit, financial need, leadership, and service. Gift aid usually does not need repaid.
Page Navigation
- Institutional Scholarships
- Other Scholarship Opportunities within the University
- External or Private Scholarships
- Scholarships for Dependents of Employees of WVU or WVU Medicine
Related Resources
Institutional Scholarships
You are automatically considered for most institutional scholarships based upon admission. First-time freshman and transfer students can use our Spring 2024 Scholarship Estimator to calculate their potential scholarship eligibility.
- Incoming (first-time) freshmen and (first-time) transfer undergraduate:
- Spring 2025: Resident, Non-Resident
- Fall 2025 and Spring 2026: Resident, Non-Resident
- Incoming international undergraduate:
- Spring 2025: Non-Resident
- Fall 2025 and Spring 2026: Non-Resident
Other Scholarship Opportunities within the University
These scholarships may require a separate application.
- Departmental Scholarships
- Leadership Scholarship
- WVU System Connection Scholarship
- Diversity Scholarship (incoming first-time freshmen only)
- Study Abroad Scholarships
- International Scholarships
External or Private Scholarships
These scholarships require a separate application.
- WV Promise Scholarship (residents of West Virginia only)
- Other State Scholarships and Grants
- Private Scholarships
- Waivers
- Osher Reentry Scholarship for Nontraditional Students
Scholarship Exception Requests
Students failing to meet renewal requirements will not have their institutional and/or Promise scholarship(s) renewed and will lose future eligibility. Students may appeal if they can document extenuating circumstances (such as a family, medical, diagnosed mental health, or personal event which adversely affected their academic performance). Student may also appeal if they are unable to meet the enrollment requirements to continue to receive their scholarship(s). Scholarship deferral is also an option as well for students who plan to take a leave of absence from WVU for up to one academic year.
For more information and eligibility requirements related to Scholarship Exception Requests, please visit our Scholarship Exception Requests webpage.
Scholarships for Dependents of Employees of WVU or WVU Medicine
These scholarships require a separate application.