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Summer Financial Aid Offer

All About Your Aid Offer for Summer 2025

This page is intended to help students with some questions they may have regarding their summer financial aid offer. It includes next steps, important resources, other funding options, and more!

It is important to note that the estimated cost of attendance and financial aid for summer is based on the courses a student is enrolled in for the semester (amount of degree-pursuant courses and length of time in the courses). Adjustments to degree-pursuant enrollment may result in adjustments to estimated cost and/or financial aid eligibility.


Eligibility for many financial aid programs is based on the data provided on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). If the FAFSA information is inaccurate or is updated, financial aid eligibility may change.

Your estimated cost of attendance and financial aid for summer were based on a variety of factors. It's important to note that changing these factors can impact your estimated cost and/or financial aid eligibility.

These factors include but are not limited to:

  • Data you reported on your FAFSA
  • Your dependency status (as determined by data you reported on your FAFSA)
  • Financial need (as determined by data you reported on your FAFSA)
  • Your program of study (Engineering, Biology, Accounting, etc.) and/or college (Business and Economics, Arts and Sciences, etc.)
  • The degree you are pursuing (associate, bachelor, etc.)
  • The amount of credits in degree-pursuant courses you are enrolled in for summer
  • Your academic level (undergraduate, graduate, professional, freshman, sophomore, etc.)
  • Your residency (charged tuition/fees as a resident of West Virginia or non-resident of the state) or if the student qualifies for a reduced tuition program
  • If you are living at home/with parents, on-campus, or off-campus (as reported on your FAFSA)
  • Your campus (Morgantown, Beckley, Keyser)
  • If you are still meeting satisfactory academic progress for financial aid eligibility at the end of the spring semester
  • Your decisions for books and supplies such as choosing to buy used versus new books or to rent books (when available)
  • Your overall grade point average (GPA)
  • Legislative changes from the state or federal governments that impact aid programs

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Understanding Your Estimated Cost of Attendance

For information, visit our Estimate Costs & Aid webpage.

Please remember that the estimated cost of attendance and financial aid for summer are based on the degree-pursuant courses a student is enrolled in for the semester (amount of credits and length of time in the courses). Adjustments to degree-pursuant enrollment may result in adjustments to estimated cost and/or financial aid eligibility.

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Understanding Your Estimated Financial Aid

  • Please note that financial aid is based on current information. Should your information change or notification of additional financial aid be received, your financial aid may be adjusted.
  • The estimated cost of attendance and financial aid for summer are based on the degree-pursuant courses a student is enrolled in for the semester. Adjustments to degree-pursuant enrollment may result in adjustments to aid eligibility.
  • Your financial aid cannot exceed your estimated cost of attendance.
  • Visit the Types of Summer Financial Aid webpage for information about different types of summer aid.

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How to Accept or Decline Your Aid

For step-by-step instructions and the best order in which to accept your financial aid, visit our Accept or Decline Aid webpage.

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Other Funding Options

For information on options such as external or private scholarships, college prepaid or 529 plans, payment plans, sponsors, and student employment, visit our Other Funding Options webpage.

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What if My FAFSA Does Not Accurately Reflect My Financial Need or My Circumstances Have Changed?

Sometimes the information students provide on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) no longer accurately reflects their or their family's financial situation. There are certain circumstances where financial aid professionals at the University can review and update the student's FAFSA.

For more information, visit our EFC/SAI Calculation Appeal webpage.

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Additional Information

  • External Scholarships: If you are receiving an external/private scholarship, grant, employer tuition benefit, third-party sponsorship, or other funds from third-parties to assist with educational costs, it may affect your financial aid. Please notify us immediately of any anticipated funds so we can ensure your estimated aid offer is as accurate as possible.
  • Summer Loan Disbursement: Loan funds disburse once the student begins attendance in their summer courses. For more information, please visit our Aid Disbursement webpage.

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