Summer Promise
West Virginia University offers a wide variety of courses during the summer. Visit the WVU Summer Term website for more information.
The two most frequent questions regarding summer and Promise are:
- Can I use Promise for summer?
- Can I use summer to make up my academic requirements to renew my Promise?
Can I use Promise for summer?
Some Promise recipients may be eligible to utilize their Promise Scholarship during the summer semester.
For information on eligibility, deadlines, and the application, visit the CFWV Summer Promise Scholarship webpage.
Summer Promise offers are usually not made until June. Students with a summer payment due before the offers are made must make payment for the summer semester at the time the payment is due. If the student receives summer Promise, they will be reimbursed once the funds are received.
Please note if you take courses at another institution or do a study abroad/exchange trip during the fall and/or spring semesters, your official transcripts from the other institution must be received and listed on the your STAR account (via your WVU Portal) before further Promise eligibility can be determined for summer or the following aid year.
Utilizing Promise during summer counts as one of your eight semesters of eligibility.
Can I use summer to make up my academic requirements to renew my Promise?
Classes taken during summer sessions can count toward your Promise renewal.
You may also take summer courses at other institutions to regain your Promise eligibility as long as they transfer back to WVU as recognized earned credit hours and grades for your degree. If you plan to take courses at another university or college, you must complete the Transient Credit Application and obtain permission from your academic advisor.
It is your responsibility to notify the WVU Hub once you can view those grades on your STAR account (via your WVU Portal) so your Promise eligibility can be reevaluated.
For complete instructions on taking courses at another university, information about the Transfer Equivalency System, and a copy of the Transient Student Application, visit the Transferring Course Credit to WVU webpage.
Please note, you cannot use the Promise Scholarship during the summer as one of your semesters of eligibility if you are not meeting the renewal requirements at the end of the preceding spring semester.