Dental Hygiene
Dental Hygiene Scholarship Opportunities
ADHA INSTITUTE SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAMScholarship awarded to full-time dental hygiene students at the certificate/associate, baccalaureate and graduate levels. Student must document financial need of at least $1500, complete a minimum of one year of dental hygiene curriculum prior to receiving an award, have a minimum GPA of 3.0 ,be a member of the American Dental Hygienists’ Association, and complete FAFSA by March 1. Scholarship applications are available October 1 of each year. Scholarship application deadline is February 1. For application write to: ADHA Institute Scholarship Program, 444 N Michigan Ave, Suite 3400, Chicago, IL 60611. Or visit their website ADHA Institute Scholarship Program.
MELISSA CARLSON ARMSTRONG MEMORIAL DENTAL HYGIENE SCHOLARSHIPThis endowment shall provide graduate scholarships for Pennsylvania resident students enrolled in the WVU School of Dentistry Graduate Dental Hygiene program. Recipients shall demonstrate financial need and be in good academic standing. If there are no recipients available from Pennsylvania, students from West Virginia may receive the scholarship. A student who is a recipient one year is eligible for consideration in any other year. Must complete the FAFSA by March 1. No scholarship application necessary. Scholarship recipient determined by School of Dentistry in consultation with the WVU Hub.
JUDITH GRUBB DENTAL HYGIENE SCHOLARSHIPThis scholarship is for students enrolled in the School of Dentistry Dental Hygiene program. First preference shall be for a sophomore in the Dental Hygiene program who is a West Virginia resident demonstrating financial need. Recipient shall be in good academic standing as defined by WVU and demonstrate strong clinical skills. A student who is a recipient one year is eligible for consideration in any other year provided they continue to meet the selection criteria. FAFSA must be completed by March 1.
McMECHEN-HOCK FAMILY SCHOLARSHIPThis scholarship is for students enrolled in the School of Dentistry Dental Hygiene program. First consideration shall be given to students who are residents of West Virginia, who have demonstrated financial need, and are a second year student pursuing a B.S. in Dental Hygiene. Students must have a minimum of 3.0 GPA.
ANN VARGO ROGERS SCHOLARSHIP FUNDScholarship awarded to regularly enrolled undergraduate or graduate students. Recipients must be a graduate of a West Virginia high school and demonstrate need for financial aid assistance. Complete FAFSA by March 1. No scholarship application necessary. Scholarship recipient determined by School of Dentistry in consultation with the WVU Hub.
LISA A. SMITH MEMORIAL AWARD ENDOWMENTScholarship awarded to a junior undergraduate student in Dental Hygiene. First consideration shall be given to Pennsylvania residents. Recipients shall maintain a GPA of no less than 3.0, and have demonstrated financial need. If there are no recipients available from Pennsylvania, then a student from another state may receive the scholarship. Complete FAFSA by March 1. No scholarship application necessary. Scholarship recipient determined by School of Dentistry in consultation with the WVU Hub.