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Third-Party Documentation

As part of the appeal process for financial aid, students must provide qualified third-party documentation that supports the student's personal statement regarding the extenuating circumstances that prevented the student from being academically successful.

Acceptable documentation must:

  1. Address or have dates that fall within the period(s) in which the student was having academic difficulties;
  2. Come from an official third-party such as a physician, therapist, counselor, clergy member, law enforcement, or court official;
  3. Be signed and dated by the third-party official providing the documentation; AND
  4. Be on official letterhead.

Examples of Acceptable Documentation for Each Extenuating Circumstance

Examples of Documentation That CANNOT Be Accepted

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Examples of Acceptable Documentation for Each Extenuating Circumstance:

  • Medical condition such as student injury, illness, or mental health diagnosis
    • Written statement from a health care provider (signed and dated on official letterhead) OR
    • Medical documentation confirming that the student was seen for the medical condition, including dates of service
  • Medical diagnosis of family member or close friend
    • Written statement from a health care provider (signed and dated on official letterhead) OR
    • Medical documentation confirming that the family member or close friend was seen for the medical condition, including dates of service
  • Death of a family member or close friend
    • Copy of the death certificate (preferred) OR
    • Obituary with the student's relationship to the deceased written on the document (e.g. grandparent, parent, sibling, significant other, friend, etc.)
  • Birth or adoption of your child
    • Copy of your child's birth certificate OR
    • Court documents or adoption paperwork
  • Divorce or separation
    • Court documentation (if available) and/or a written statement from a counselor, clergy member, employer, or attorney
  • Personal difficulties
    • Written statements from a physician, therapist, employer, counselor, clergy member, law enforcement, or court official
    • Police reports

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Examples of Documentation That CANNOT Be Accepted:

  • Statements from academic advisors, faculty (exception for students whose faculty are also their physician or medical counselor), family, friends, roommates, or other students.
  • Insurance statements
  • Physician prescription pad notes
  • Unsigned statements
  • Print-outs or statements from social media

Click here to read the full Satisfactory Academic Progress policy.

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