FWS Supervisor Forms
The resources on this page available as part of the hiring process as well as to help you while supervising your work-study employees.
Hiring Process Resources
- Post a New FWS Position (Student Employment Job Posting Request Form)
- Hire One of Your FWS Applicants (Federal Work-Study New Hire Form)
- Community Partner Agreement (for Community Partner supervisors only)
Remote Work Resources
Supervising FWS Employees
- Tracking Custom Salary (track hours worked and work-study allotment earned)
- Pay Rate Increase (request a merit-based increase in hourly rate)
- Release Form (release student from position)
- Community Partner Timesheet (for Community Partner supervisors only)
- Student Worker Spotlight
- FWS Position Expiration Request (remove an active work-study position from Handshake)
- Handshake Position Spotlight Request (promote your work-study position)
Returning FWS Employees
Information regarding students returning to their FWS positions during the upcoming academic year is available on our Request for Returning Federal Work-Study Students webpage.
Hiring Process Resources
Post a New FWS Position
Positions from the previous year are automatically re-posted unless the supervisor indicated they did not want it posted. Please complete the FWS Job Expiration form if you do not want your position to be re-posted for the upcoming academic year.
If you would like a new position posted to hire a work-study student for a part-time job within your department for the fall or spring semesters, submit the Student Employment Job Posting Request Form so your job can be posted in the Handshake job search database for FWS students looking for jobs.
Hire One of Your FWS Applicants
When you are ready to hire one of the work-study applicants for your FWS job and the student has accepted your job offer, submit the Federal Work-Study New Hire Form.
The spring hiring process for Federal Work-Study students closed on February 26, 2021. The hiring process will open on June 7, 2021 for Fall 2021.
Community Partner Agreement
Community Partners must submit a new Community Partner Agreement annually before they can hire work-study employees. Current Community Partner supervisors will be mailed a new agreement each year for completion. Click here to download the agreement for the 2025-2026 academic year.
Remote Work Resources
Federal Work-Study Remote Work Form
Supervisors who can accommodate remote work under the current job description or through a modified description must complete the Federal Work-Study Remote Work Form. This may include students who work a "hybrid" schedule (both on campus and remotely).
Remote Work Checklist
The Federal Work-Study Remote Work Checklist will help you determine if your department has completed the necessary steps to allow your work-studies to work remotely, including students who work both remotely and on campus (hybrid).
Supervising FWS Employees
Tracking Custom Salary
FWS supervisors must monitor their FWS employees' hours worked and salary earned in order to ensure the student does not go over their allotted amount of work-study funds. Click here to download the FWS Tracking Custom Salary file to help keep track of this information.
Pay Rate Increase
If your FWS employee is going above and beyond, has increased duties, or has responsibilities that require more experience than their peers, you can submit a Pay Rate Increase Request to request an increase of their hourly wage. Please be aware that increasing hourly pay rate means a student will utilize their FWS allotment more quickly.
Release Form
If your FWS employee is requesting to be released from their job or must be released from their position for other reasons, the student employee's supervisor must submit the Release Form.
Community Partner Timesheet
Community Partners must submit timecards for their work-study employees. Click here to download the Community Partner Timesheet file.
Student Worker Spotlight
Have some stellar Federal Work-Study employees who are doing amazing work? Use the short Student Worker Spotlight form to share information about the outstanding work that your work-study team members are providing at your department, organization, or agency.
Handshake Position Expiration Request
FWS supervisors who would like to remove/expire an active FWS position may fill out the Handshake Position Expiration Request form. Once the WVU Hub receives the completed form, staff will begin processing the expiration request.
Handshake Position Spotlight Request
FWS supervisors who would like to have their work-study position featured to work-study eligible students, can submit the Handshake Position Spotlight Request. Once received, your position(s) will be promoted to qualified students directly via their MIX email. The email will include the position title(s), brief description(s), and a direct link to the job posting(s) itself for quick application access.
Returning FWS Employees
Returning Student Guide
We have created the 2022-2023 Returning Student Guide as a resource for students and supervisors to review and ensure they have completed all the necessary steps to return to their previously held position the next academic year.
Please note that this form only applies to students who have been offered and accepted Federal Work-Study as part of their financial aid offer .